Kriminelle bagmænd har fundet nye veje til at få kopivarer frem til forbrugerne. Selvom kopivarer oftest produceres udenfor EU’s grænser, så bliver de i stigende grad ikke kun distribueret, men også produceret, indenfor EU’s grænser. Det konkluderer en ny rapport fra Europol og EUIPO.
I rapportens oversigt over Key Developments, står der bl.a.
- “While most counterfeit goods distributed in the EU are produced outside the EU, there are indications that production of counterfeit and substandard goods increasingly takes place within the EU. The frequent seizure of counterfeit packaging materials and semi-finished products on entry to the EU clearly points to the presence of manufacturing facilities in the EU – some for partial assembly and others running full production cycles.
- The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new business opportunities for the distribution of counterfeit and substandard goods. Criminal networks involved in IP crime have been highly adaptable in adjusting their business model by shifting product focus and marketing.”
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