Den fælles operation: Pirates I

Publiceret 30-04-2024

Bekæmpelse af kopivarer ved EU's ydre grænser

Om raporten skriver EUIPO “This analysis report focuses on the results of EMPACT Operation JAD PIRATES I, a Frontex coordinated operation, tackling the smuggling of counterfeit goods at the external borders of the EU.

The results of the first edition of this Joint Action Day (JAD) are significant, with more than one million counterfeit products, with an estimated retail value of EUR 33 million, detected and seized in only 11 days. Within the framework of the JAD Pirates I operational activities, a significant variety of counterfeit product categories were detected, including excisable commodities and non-EU-compliant goods. The products seized ranged from counterfeit textiles, footwear and accessories to bikes, pellets, toys, perfumes, and medicines, indicating that, nowadays, anything can be counterfeited.

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