Anti-counterfeiting Blockathon Forum

Publiceret 20-02-2019

Europa-Kommissionen har annonceret lanceringen af et ”Anti-counterfeiting Blockathon Forum”. Det skal følge op på EU Blockathon 2018, som var en del af EU’s strategi til at opbygge et block chain økosystem i EU.

EUIPO skriver at “The Forum will bring together people and organisations to shape and deliver the future anti-counterfeiting infrastructure based on blockchain. The need for such a structured collaboration was clearly indicated during the Blockathon and its follow-up workshop. The Forum will fulfil this task by interconnecting private organisations, enforcement authorities and citizens to support the identification of authentic and counterfeit goods throughout the distribution chain. It will focus on drafting and defining the anti-counterfeiting use case and related pilot with the ultimate goal of delivering the next level of anti-counterfeiting infrastructure based on blockchain.”

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