Invitation fra EUIPO til at søge om midler til oplysningstiltag om IPR, 2021

Publiceret 04-05-2021

Deadline for at søge er den 8. juni 2021.

EUIPO skriver:

Please be informed that following previous editions in 2015, 2017 and 2019, the EUIPO is launching its fourth call for proposals which aims to raise awareness about the benefits of protecting intellectual property rights (IPR) and about the damage caused by the infringement of these rights, highlighting the importance of IP in supporting creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Further information and the guidelines for applicants can be found:
• on the Observatory website
• on the official EUIPO website

The deadline for submissions is 08 June 2021.

Additionally, the EUIPO will organise and record a live online information session, on Thursday, 13 May 2021 at 10:00 CET. The session will later be accessible at:

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